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6 Cleaning Tips for Cold & Flu Season

Including Disinfecting Surfaces

During cold and flu season, cleaning takes on new meaning. Not only are you trying to get rid of dust and dirt, but you can add germs to the top of the list as well. Consider these tips to help keep this season clean and healthy.

Cold and Flu Season Cleaning Tips

Everyone deserves to live in a safe, clean, and healthy environment. However, there are certain times of year that this takes a little more work. Consider the following factors while cleaning your home to help prevent germs from attacking.

  1. Cleaning Hot Spots. Certain areas in your home are more prone to collect germs. Countertops, knobs, handles, faucets, switches, toilets, and electronic devices require extra attention. These high-touch points should be cleaned more frequently, especially if someone in the home has been sick.
  2. Disinfecting. There’s cleaning, which removes dust and dirt, and then there’s disinfecting, which kills microbes that can cause viruses. Precleaning is important before disinfecting to make both tasks more effective.
  3. Laundry. Viruses can linger on clothing, towels, sheets, and other linens. It’s important to wash any items along with hampers and baskets to help prevent germ buildup.
  4. Appropriate Cleaning Supplies. While it’s more eco-friendly to reuse rags while cleaning, it’s important these materials are properly washed. Replace the rag once it becomes too worn out.
  5. Good Hygiene. One of the most effective ways of preventing the transfer of germs to multiple surfaces is frequent hand washing. The best times to wash is before and after preparing food or caring for someone who’s sick and after using the bathroom or touching soiled materials. Hand sanitizer is an alternative when soap and water aren’t available. It’s also important to practice proper etiquette such as coughing or sneezing into your elbow or wearing a mask.
  6. Clear the Air. Airborne particles containing mold, bacteria, and viruses can accumulate and lead to illness, especially for people prone to asthma and allergies. Using air purifiers and filters for HVAC systems can help reduce these contaminants.

Let JDog Carpet Cleaning & Floor Care Help Clean & Disinfect

Take some of the work and worry out of cleaning this season with some professional help. JDog Carpet Cleaning & Floor Care provides disinfectant services using a hospital-grade solution effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria and viruses. The water-based formula can be applied to hard surfaces, carpeting, upholstery, mattresses—almost any surface in your office or home. Its long-lasting protection also helps prevent germs and fungi from growing on surfaces for a limited time after application. Contact us at 844-GET-JDOG to schedule a cleaning and help keep your surfaces clear of cold-causing contaminants.