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Should You Mop Hardwood?

How to Clean This Sensitive Flooring

Hardwood floor

Hardwood floors are arguably one of the most sensitive flooring options, falling victim to scratches, scuffs, and reduced polish because of improper care. It is, however, one of the most beautiful and classic choices and well worth the risk of damage—when you are mindful of your cleaning techniques. One question we get most often is whether or not it is safe to mop hardwood floors. You can…with caution.

How to Mop Hardwood

The most important rule: water and wood don’t mix!

  1. First, pick up any dust that has accumulated with a broom, microfiber pad, or vacuum. Be careful with your vacuum because the wheels can create scratch on your floor.
  2. Lightly mist your floor with a cleaner made specifically for hardwood. Avoid putting excess liquid on your floor, and avoid using water and vinegar, soap-based cleaners, or steam cleaners. These can dull the floor’s finish over time.
  3. Use the mop as a method to pick up the liquid cleaner, not as the way to scrub. Lightly push the mop around.
  4. We recommend polishing every few months to protect your floor and keep it shiny.

Give Your Hardwood New Life with JDog Carpet Cleaning & Floor Care.

Your hardwood floors are some of the most sensitive in your home. You should deep clean and refinish your floors every three to five years (or more often, depending on traffic in the area). This is a time-consuming process that can cause damage if not done right. That’s why JDog Carpet Cleaning & Floor Care is here. Our knowledgable team made up of Veterans and Military family members know just how to care for your hardwood floor to make it shine like new again. Call us today at 844-GET-JDOG for more information and a free quote.